Christopher K. Brown, CPA, PLLC

Christopher K. Brown, CPA, PLLC

17739 Main Street, Suite 340

Dumfries, VA  22026

Office (703) 221-2289

Fax (703) 441-0541

About Christopher:

Christopher K. Brown CPA PLLC is a verified accounting firm, offering accounting and tax preparation services to customers and small business owners located in and around Dumfries, Virginia. Christopher K. Brown CPA PLLC is a CPA directory verified accounting firm, licensed to practice in the state of Virginia. The requirements for Licensure in Virginia ensure that Christopher K. Brown CPA PLLC maintains the highest standard of knowledge and ethics when operating as an accounting firm. Accounting firms may provide services in industry, education or government, and are often considered experts in tax preparation. Christopher K. Brown CPA PLLC can help you with tax preparation services, consulting, business planning and auditing.

For engagement with Chris please email:  or call (703) 221-2289. Chris will email you with instructions on how to engage and send your documentation.

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